Friday, November 19, 2010

On The Way to Portland...

San Francisco Dawn

Lake Shasta

Mount Shasta
It's been a year since I last posted on here, but since I've been shooting quite a bit in the last few months and don't have any other current on-line public display of my images (new website coming soon!), I thought it was time to utilize what I already had set up.  You know, to calm the masses and stuff.
I'm still primarily shooting analog, mostly with 3 of my 7 film cameras:  a trusty ol' Canon A1 35mm (thanks again and forever, Shannon!!), Holga 120mm, and Lomography Fisheye2 with a ringflash.  However... I'm finally being swayed in the digital direction.  Go figure.
The above images kick off a veeery long series spanning my entire birth month this past September, and a dear friend (holla at m'girl, Carrie!) was kind enough to insist I take her little Olympus digital thing and that I'd be glad I had it.  She was right.

On September 8, 2010, my friend, Lorraine, and I started our drive from Santa Barbara to Portland, she to meet up with her boyfriend and see as many shows as possible during Musicfest NW, and I to see as many friends as possible while getting in some live music, too.
The first image is of us waking in the San Francisco live/work loft of good friend, humbling photographic artist, and all-around swell guy Robert Malmberg (be sure to check out his Collodion Daydreams blog, too), who was kind enough to let us swoop in on his new digs for a few hours of shut-eye.

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