Monday, December 20, 2010

Sean Hayes @ Soho, Santa Barbara 11/12/10

His music was introduced to me by a friend shortly before seeing this performance, and I quickly fell in love with the entire Sean Hayes discography, which I strongly encourage anyone to explore.

Find more artists like Sean Hayes at Myspace Music

moment captured by Carrie Watson

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Someday Lounge 9/10/10, Musicfest NW, Portland

Boy Eats Drum Machine

Finn Riggins
(Canon A1, Fuji Pro400H 35mm color negative)

Cameron Bouiss, Lisa Simpson
Finn Riggins
Finn Riggins

Jared Mees & the Grown Children

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Adventures of Snomwan P. Sugarcookie: Christmas 2008

'Tis a holiday nod to my sister, Colleen... thanks for bringing these memories to my attention this evening...


star trek I

star trek II

solo trek


